Monday, June 22, 2009

Garden of Life

Ted and I have just finished re- landscaping our front yard and my love of gardening has returned after a drought of interest. This reminded me of a poem I wrote over ten years ago of the paralells between gardening and life in general. I have shared this poem with many already over the years but thought it worth it to post it again.

My garden is my favorite place
To rest and work and watch things grow.
Life's troubles seem to fade away
As I water, feed and hoe.

Much care must go into this place.
Conditions change,and danger lurks.
To beautify each little space,
I prune and weed, mow and feed.

I try to take great care to see,
That flowers bloom on endlessly.
If only I had more control
Over frost and wind, hail and snow.

The storms will come, put on a show.
To tell me firmly, I'm not in control.
The flowers droop, tattered and torn,
My garden looks destroyed, forlorn.

And yet I love this garden so,
With a heavy sigh, I pick up and go
To clean up the mess that's left behind,
and once again, tend this garden of mine.

A constant vigil I must keep,
To keep things in balance and harmony.
And so it is with God and me:
My life is a garden with many a weed.

He tends to my needs so wonderfully.
He pinches and prunes and pulls my weeds.
Often I scream with anger and pain,
Later to find, He was right again.

As I go through the storms of life,
I may have bruises from the strife.
But, in the end, I am stronger still,
For He is with me, His love prevails.

I need to feed my garden of life,
In order to grow, I need water and light.
To him I must go to quench my thirst.
To light my path, I must heed His word.

Thank-you Lord, for giving me
A special place to learn from you,
Beside the flowers, birds and weeds,
Enduring all things,`til with you I'll be.